
Mission: To provide assistance in obtaining and administering federal funds in order to enhance the criminal justice system so that Nevada is a safer place for residents and visitors; while providing the state with the necessary equipment to complete the mission at the best possible pricing.

In 1987 the Office of Criminal Justice Assistance (OCJA) was established to obtain, administer and sub-grant to state and local government agencies grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice and became the State Administrative Agency (SAA) for up to ten grants. Located in Carson City, Nevada's capital, OCJA's office is housed under the Department of Public Safety.

The Office of Criminal Justice Assistance (OCJA) administers grant funds to state and local units of government and Native American tribes to improve the criminal justice system and increase Nevada’s capacity to prevent and reduce violent crime, illegal drug sales and distribution, gang activity and human trafficking. Projects funded with the JAG program will enhance the rule of law by strengthening court programs, prosecution, defense, reentry programs, and system improvements for criminal justice with technology across the state. OCJA proposes to use JAG grant funds for those projects that address issues most critical to Nevada’s criminal justice system. 


The State Administrative Agency encourages applicants for the JAG grant funds to work closely with other criminal justice agencies to promote comprehensive, innovative, strategies to address community and statewide issues under these purpose areas The SAA also works diligently to coordinate Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds with other justice grants to further enhance Nevada's mission.


  • Law Enforcement
  • Prosecution and Courts
  • Crime Prevention and Education
  • Corrections and Community Corrections
  • Drug Treatment and Enforcement
  • Planning, Evaluation, and Technology Improvement

Two OCJA employees are dedicated to the 1033 and 1122 programs. These programs were initially established in 1989 and modified by the 1996 Defense Authorization Act, Section 1033. The program was developed to assist Nevada law enforcement agencies by using the federal procurement system for equipment purchases. Since beginning operation in 2000, the program has enabled law enforcement agencies to save from 20% to 50% over retail costs on equipment ranging from computers to gas masks. For more information, visit the 1033 Program or the 1122 Program (formerly known as the Falcon's Nest program).